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Nowadays we don’t know what happend to our food before it’s deliverd at the supermarket. For example vegetables: the most suppliers say that their vegetables are organic while in most cases the vegetables still are edited.

Transparency in the food industry is not self-evident…
… unless you have your own vegetable garden! In the Netherlands there are a lot of big vegetable gardens where people grow their own vegetables. A normal vegetable garden is quite big which means you need space, but not anymore! An easy vegetable garden is one square meter and you can place it everywhere.


You don’t need to be an scientist to make an easy vegetable garden. You only need wooden planks to make a bin, potting soil and seeds!

But besides transparency the easy vegetable garden is also useful because you are environmentally consious and your own vegetables are more fresh than the vegetables you buy at the supermarket.

If you want more information check Square Foot Gardening or Makkelijke Moestuin